Any business can use a trademark, which is a mark, symbol, word, letter, label, or number. The goal is to set itself apart from other businesses that produce or provide goods, services, or both. Most of the time, these are trade names or logos that customers in the market recognize a particular business by. Because […]
What is a Trademark? A Trademark usually refers to a “brand” or “logo” of a company. Trademark registration also can be received for a commercial company name, specific phrases, taglines or captions. Properly used and promoted, a Trademark may turn out to be the most valuable asset of a business. Trademarks which includes Coca Cola, […]
Overview of Trademark The economic market is fulfilled with new brands and products each day. To make your items/ services stand out, the Trademark registration in India may want to prove to be your most valuable advertising tool. If clubbed with the proper branding strategy it can in establishing your brand, so the general public […]
What is Trademark? The trademark is an important asset in the business. After the incorporation of the company trademark can be obtained. The trademark comprises both logo and the brand in it. The trademark assumes a critical job for the commercialization and assists with upgrading the exchange. It’s a greatest establishment for the venture and […]
Things to know before Trademark Registration in India A trademark can be defined because the unique identification that makes your service or product stick out from the rest. The unique identity or expression may be a emblem, photograph, slogan, word, sound, smell, colour combination or graphics. Most of the corporations commonly search for registration of […]
Overview of Trademark The economic market is fulfilled with new brands and products each day. To make your items/ services stand out, the Trademark registration in India may want to prove to be your most valuable advertising tool. If clubbed with the proper branding strategy it can in establishing your brand, so the general public […]
What is a Trademark? A Trademark usually refers to a “brand” or “logo” of a company. Trademark registration also can be received for a commercial company name, specific phrases, taglines or captions. Properly used and promoted, a Trademark may turn out to be the most valuable asset of a business. Trademarks which includes Coca Cola, […]
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